Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Laura Antoniou

I'm planning to attend TES tonight and Laura Antoniou will be the featured speaker. In preparation for going to see her, and hoping to persuade myself to actually take the train to NYC - a long haul and it may rain or snow tonight, so I needed convincing - I visited her blog at

I discovered that Laura Antoniou enjoys using the computer but doesn't really know what she's doing on a PC. How do I know this? Well, she posted her Feb. 7, 2005 entry twice. OK I thought, maybe that was just a mistake. But scrolling down her page, I saw that her very next entry was also botched. That one goes "Somehow I Knew This". She wanted to have an image but instead she has a broken gif which exposes the naked img code.

So I saw that she doesn't know what she's doing.

However, she seems like an interesting person, and I went to the website for which she botched the image tag, and I had fun there. I found out that I am an website personality. People go to me for things. Yeah.


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