Friday, February 11, 2005

Tart Warmers

We went out shopping for a present for Chloe since her birthday is coming up and we are going to a party for her tomorrow night.

We arrived at a candle shop. I wanted a sculptured fantasy figure candle. But didn't find one.
However, I did discover Tart Warmers. These are charming smelly things that you put on a special candle burning thing with a tea light underneath. The tea light melts the tart which gives off a pleasant scent.

Having bought some for her, I wanted some for me so bought me some too.

Got it home, fired it up. All seemed well. I lit up two of them in two different tart warmer things.

After a while though one of them appeared to be giving off smoke.

That didn't seem quite right.

I touched the side of the tart warmer. Hmm, hot!!

So then I tried to blow it out. It wouldn't blow.

I went and got a butter knife and tapped it out.

The other tart warmer seems happy. It's bigger and the biggerness makes it work safer and better.

I need to get another bigger tart warmer so I can burn two at a time....

Every time I light up a candle I imagine my house burning down.


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