Friday, August 26, 2005

Sears Practices False Advertising is advertising an air pump, Sears item #02875114000 Mfr. model #75114, regular price $29.99 but it is on sale til August 27 at $19.99. This air pump has been advertised on the Sears site this way for at least two weeks now. When I get to the particular item page and attempt to buy it, I get this message: The item is out of stock.

This item has been out of stock, while being advertised as part of a special sale, for two weeks that I know of.

I called up Sears and spoke to supervisor Sidney and asked about this false advertising. She said there is nothing she can do, and she does not have an opinion about it either.

I told her Sears ought to take this item down off their website since it constitutes false advertising.

She basically gave me the I am just a Robot answer again.

Can you tell I am Not Happy about this?


Blogger Darv said...

Sears has started to suck harder since K-mart bought them up. Merging two sucky retailers together does not make one good retailer. It makes two REALLY sucky retailers!

4:31 PM  

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